Get the total amount you spent on maintenance over the past year and divide it by 12 to get your average monthly maintenance expense. If you constantly check your car and take good care of it, you should (hopefully) be able to avoid major car repairs. And if you don't have a solid budget for car maintenance, you could be looking for money to pay for unexpected repairs or even just to keep up with regular car maintenance. With a little financial discipline, you can have a solid budget for car maintenance and plan regular car checks without having to worry about the repair bill. So what are some of the typical car maintenance costs that you should budget for? These are the most common types of routine car maintenance, plus some unexpected repairs you may encounter while driving.
Accidents, sudden car maintenance issues, and traffic tickets do happen, and it's best to be prepared for them when they happen. Keep your car maintenance fund separate from your other accounts and use this money only for what it was intended for. An ideal budget starts by studying the car's maintenance history and basing this year's budget on the expenses of the previous year. Maintenance costs vary depending on the type of vehicle, age and location, but there are some basic elements that nearly every car needs.
If you drive a newer model, your warranty or maintenance plan may cover the costs of repairing and maintaining the car. As these prices show, vehicle maintenance is based on many factors and there is no perfect recipe for finding an affordable car. However, if you understand the average costs, you can accurately budget for routine maintenance and unexpected repairs. This could lead to more serious mechanical problems that could have been prevented with regular and preventive maintenance of the car. The purchase price of a high-end vehicle is higher than that of a standard car and its maintenance will also entail a higher cost.
Car maintenance is a lot like dental care: people fear it and it can cost a lot of money if something goes wrong, but prevention is better than cure. Car repairs and routine maintenance are costs necessary to drive a car, but their price is hard to swallow. The amount you should budget for car maintenance (and the average cost of repairing the car) can vary quite a bit from person to person.